#ASMR good
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would-they-be-good-at-asmr · 2 months ago
ASMR Saturdays (19)
For this Saturday (01/04/2025), I am highlighting “Juicy Steak: The Ultimate ASMR Cooking Compilation” by Men with the Pot!
Performer is Men with the Pot. If you would like to support the performer, here is a link to their website.
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the-maw-consumes · 6 months ago
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good-advice-ganondorf · 10 days ago
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rainingcatsandjune · 8 months ago
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haha heyy its been a while 😭😭 sorry for the lack of activity here,,, school has been kicking my butt + i've gotten SUPER hyperfixated on disco elysium,,,, BUT THE MOMENT I SAW THE ORIGINAL I KNEW I HAD TO DRAW SAM AS THIS RAHSBBFBDN i seriously need to catch up on the recent audios 😭😭😭 ANYWAY enjoy :)
vvvvv ORIGINAL BELOW vvvvv
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shhhhghhshhshhsh youre telling me this ISNT sam??? like????
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goodboyaudios · 1 month ago
BvZ Manga by Neeto
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bluewolfangel01 · 1 month ago
So Mc gets special luck because of their pact with Mammon right?
Imagine Mc getting a job as a dealer at a casino (ex. blackjack)
(Disclaimer idk exact workings of casinos and not promoting gambling)
Poor Mammon would feel so betrayed when he found out, cause now he's not only losing to the house, he's losing to the house AND his human
Mc wins a lot of the games, but loses some intentionally to not seem like they're cheating or get caught faster
They make sure to down play their victory, and play into players' egos to ensure player return
The other dealers and higher-ups at the casino would start catching on, of course
The higher ups would probably love the chance at getting more money, so they'd probably promote Mc
They would then be making absolute bank working at the high roller tables
The high rollers are no match for Mc's charms
They'd be too good there as well (ex. Their players catch onto the insane luck)
This would get to the point where, to the casino's dismay, there was no choice but to let Mc go
Otherwise their luck would bring the house down
And if asked why Mc decided to work at a casino their response would be, "I wanted to see how long I'd be able to work at a casino with my luck, the grimm and entertainment factor were just bonuses."
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penumbra-mayhem · 2 months ago
Darlin’s Wolf Form
@krashkitty wrote this delightful little post, which in turn inspired this:
Darlin’ doesn’t show Sam their wolf form for so long because they’re terrified of his reaction. They know how they look. Their wolf has always been frightening, even before they acquired the numerous scars carved across their body.
It’s partly their size; they’re just a bit smaller than David (and that guy is fucking huge).
It’s also their gait. They walk with a stagger, which makes their movements slightly disjointed and jerky.
And it’s their teeth, which are unusually sharp and too large for their mouth, causing their lower jaw to hang open in a permanent gaping grin.
Even the sounds they make are horrifying: every growl and snarl and howl is layered—haunting and gravely and resonant and raspy. Hearing them is fucking eerie.
When the Inversion happens, Darlin’ is watching the games at home on the tv. As soon as they see the shades onscreen, they shift and race to the stadium. Fast as they are, though, the ward is already up by the time they get there. They claw and bite at that ward for hours before it finally comes down.
They don’t even think about how they look while they’re searching for Sam; they are just laser focused on his scent. Only after they see him, hurt but safe, do they shift back and tackle him into a hug.
After the Inversion, Darlin’ is still apprehensive about shifting for Sam. But now at least they can skip the formal presentation that most mates do the first time they shift. It takes away some of the pressure. They shift once when the two of them are attacked by Quinn’s cronies, but that’s about it.
Until one day, Darlin’ asks Sam if he is scared of their wolf form. Sam bursts out laughing. Nothing—he assures Darlin’—nothing about them is scary to him. Impressive? Yes. Awe inspiring? For sure? But scary? Never.
Later that night, he finds a very large wolf sprawled in front of his fireplace.
Sam learns every spot on Darlin’s body that they like to be pet. He boops their scarred snout and gives their fur sweet kisses. Darlin’ gives tentative kisses (licks) back, until they realize they make Sam laugh. Then they barrage him with kisses (giant, slobbery licks), until Sam is on the floor in stitches.
One time, Sam calls Darlin’ ‘pup’. He doesn’t mean to; it accidentally slips out. Cause that’s how he sees them, just a big adorable puppy. He splutters out an apology, mistaking Darlin’s scarlet face as a sign of embarrassment. Darlin’ then has to admit (quite meekly) that they actually really like the pet name, much to Sam’s relief and delight.
It’s pretty amusing from an outside perspective to see Sam cooing at this enormous, nightmarish wolf and calling them his puppy, and to see said wolf furiously wag their tail in response.
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milogreer · 20 days ago
imagine ghosting milo greer. MILO GREER?? and then when you see him again he asks if HE was the problem?? sweetheart almost fumbled one of the hottest and sweetest men of all time. my god
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pycth · 6 months ago
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A little basic, but I think it gets the job done—
It’s my Birthday today, so I thought I’d let y’all get to know me a little better~
(I know this isn’t exactly Redacted/GBA related, but I feel I like since that these fandoms are the primary reason for my being here it was ok for me to use the tags :>)
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aimedis · 4 months ago
redacted audio headcanons: jealousy | shaw pack edition
sam and darlin are going in the solaire clan one
david likes to think he's above such "immaturity" in his relationship with angel to get jealous. but he's not. it doesn't happen often, but when he notices the way people look at his mate, he gets so pissed. he knows that angel smiles at and is kind to almost everyone, and they love that trait in them but he honestly would like it a little more if they didn't ever smile at anyone that isn't him. like ever. they laugh at him for being so dramatic but he's like 60% serious. but other than mild irritation when angel waves excitedly at literally everyone, david hates it when they jokingly flirt with their friends/packmates. at least once a day he sees them giggling with baaabe or sweetheart either in person or on the phone and he has to fight the urge to pull them (gently) into his side and keep them there. a fight he loses more often than not if they're within arms reach. he's been known to toss their phone away from them while they whine, keeping his arms wrapped around them (and recently, absentmindedly toying with the ring on their finger). angel has taken to rubbing his arm while softly reassuring them that they're only joking and that he's the only one they love as he pouts hums into their neck.
angel gets jealous a little more often than david does. obviously, david gets a million stares whenever he steps outside. he's tall, sexy, handsome, big, all of the above, and angel knows that. those are the exact reasons why they stare. but that's them, they're david's mate. and the fact outside people think they have the right to look at what's theirs drives them insane. it's not david's fault, they don't blame or not trust him to be loyal. they just hate other people looking at him like he's a piece of meat. on a shopping spree at the mall david and angel went on, david had at least three people try and give him their number as if angel wasn't standing right there and that's not counting the hundreds of second glances he got. to which david would only flash his ring at them with a completely straight face and pull angel away. however, they had enough by the third person "accidentally" bumping into him and started making out with him in the middle of the store they were in. david didn't have many complaints, he had already seen how irritated they were getting and just suggested they leave afterwards. angel spent the entire car ride home complaining angrily about every single time someone so much as looked at him for more than two seconds. david gave them their hand to hold, barely wincing when they squeezed it as tight as they possibly could. he honestly thinks it's sexy whenever angel rants about him being flirted with, he can't help but smirk when he asks what he should do about it. he offers to tattoo their name on his forehead, let them bite him everywhere that's visible hard enough to leave a bruise, punch anyone who dares to even breathe near him etc. and in the moment, angel would prefer watching david spit in peoples' faces but they know he can't do that. so they resort to the bites option. everywhere.
asher gets jealous once in a blue moon. most of the time when baaabe talks about other people being interested in them he's just using it as an opportunity to flex that he's the one actually in bed with his mate. he says things like "and i'm the one you come home to at the end of the day" with the widest smile on his face. asher always talks about being so lucky to bag someone like baaabe instead of focusing on being overly protective over what's his. still, there have been more than a few times where asher can't hide the annoyance he feels when it comes to baaabe spending time with other people as opposed to him. baaabe spends a little too much time talking about the work parties they go and people they talk to without him and he starts pouting. only slightly, but baaabe notices and they laugh a little. they run their fingers through his hair when he starts dramatically sulking about people trying to "take them away from him", letting him get it out of his system before they reassure him firmly but kindly that no one could ever replace him. and asher usually recovers by that moves on. despite not being jealous often, asher still gets possessive with holding onto baaabe in public and obviously staking his claim on them subtly. it doesn't happen often, but if there was ever a moment where someone tried to "take" his mate from him, they would find themself of the wrong end of a wolf's teeth.
baaabe shows jealously just as much as asher does, not a lot but not never. asher is very friendly and he talks to everyone about anything. some people appreciate this on a surface level, but others sometimes try to take it in a way that was never intended. asher has had people blatantly flirt with him due to this but he just pretends to not notice until baaabe comes to save him. most of the time baaabe isn't bothered enough to feel negatively about it, choosing to be amused by it. but there are times where they feel uncharacteristic anger when they see someone making an obvious move on their mate or he talks about someone a little too much/kindly. to which they go to play save a hoe a little faster, pulling asher away a little harder or subconsciously frowning. asher takes baaabe's jealously very seriously, knowing that they spiral easily when they feel like this. he showers them in affection for a while until he's sure they're fine. baaabe recovers fairly quickly as long as they get to snuggle up to ash for a little bit.
milo has definetly threatened to kill someone for sweetheart. he's very possessive but in a "never touch my mate" way instead of being mad at sweetheart themself for being around others. sweetheart didn't think he was overly possessive when at first but once within the first year of their relationship, they mentioned a coworker flirting with them and milo went deathly silent before he growled. sweetheart laughed at him because they were caught off guard but milo was genuinely ready to fight someone. milo has a love hate relationship with people appreciating sweetheart. he knows damn well his mate is attractive and he believes that people can appreciate that, but he hates it when anyone at all flirts with them in any capacity. he feels his eyes twitch when even packmates make small comments about them jokingly flirty. he'll laugh and tell whoever to back off under the guise of a joke but sweetheart can tell he's genuinely irritated. when he gets the chance he'll pull them as close to him as possible and rub his hands wherever on sweetheart's body they were touched by anyone else. they let him because they think it's both funny and cute as well as enjoying the feeling of being "claimed". but sweetheart "brat" greer never passes up an opportunity to tease him about it which only leads to milo taking his jealously out on them in the bedroom.
sweetheart doesn't get as jealous as milo does as often. milo is a pretty social guy and is a natural charmer so they understand why people would be interested in him. and they love showing off the fact that he only ever has eyes for them. then again, on the worse days, they can't help but feel jealous when milo doesn't pay as much attention to them. sweetheart is a very expressive person facially, so their expression shows their annoyance before they can even verbalize it. still, they'll pretend they haven't even noticed milo talking to someone else, brushing him off in their typical petty manner. milo notices them sulking in a corner for presumably no reason, but because he can read them like a book, he figures it out soon enough. he pokes a little fun at them to which they only sulk harder, turning away from him and telling him to go back to whoever is so much more important than them. milo finds them adorable when they're (minorly) upset with him so he wraps his arms around their shoulders, working the tension out so they can relax while he whispers apologies in their ear for ever making them jealous. that they'll always be his top priority, that they can always prove who he belongs to in front of everyone. sweetheart lets him do whatever and pretends they don't love hearing those words come out of his mouth while they're already planning every single hickey they're gonna put on his body.
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lookitseddie · 4 months ago
"hey, what's your favourite redacted audio moment?"
oh, i'm a sam/darlin girlie, so probably the quinn arc
"that's such a basic bitch answer-"
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righteous-r0de0 · 4 months ago
(timestamp is 8:35 if you need it)
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escapedaudios · 4 months ago
Any Asmr/audio series you like?
I listen to a ton of audios, here are my favorites! There are more that I just can't remember off the top of my head.
The Lost Prince and Merfolk Series - Obsidian Lantern Bastard Warrior/BVZ and Magic of the Heart - Good Boy Audios Alpha Claw and Lullaby - Scythe Audio The Forlorn Hunter - What Giraffe J0yR1d3.exe - ExtrovertED Black Ocean and Westhaven - Siren's Son Sleep Paralysis Demon (Lulu's Playlist) and Alien Abduction - Macalda Reye (aka Mother Macabre) Starline and Corrupting Dusk - Gav VA Castle of Blue Roses - Stephanie Swan Quills Oni of the Morning Sun - Patman VA Not So Deadly Demon Girls - Alekirser Xanthus and Elias' playlists - ZSaku VA Warren's Playlist - Desmond ASMR Princess series - Shiades Bittersweet - YuuriVoice The Hunter Chronicles - Vik Lendvay Empress Selects series - Kiyoko and Kanade Circus of Outlaws - adMeliora VA Wake the Dead - Dade Audio Olivia Harvey's Playlist - Sweet Angel Audio Promise of Blood - Lapide Voice King in Chains - AJ Audio and Esme Jones
Note: There's a real mixed bag of gender tags here, including some M4M and F4F. I'm listing them based on quality/the assumption that whoever's listening can flex what kind of character they're willing to roleplay a little.
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sincerelywhistler · 1 year ago
can I come home to you?
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A commissioned piece for @ejunkiet to pair with her GORGEOUS Porter fic “can I come home to you?” featuring her Treasure design🤍
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goodboyaudios · 2 months ago
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Congrats to the December art contest winners! littelgreyboots
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willowwee · 4 months ago
Bastard vs Zombies doodles (and faithful)
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OH??? WHATS THIS??? A BOUNTY HUNTER SONA??🤯🤯🤯 low-key had fun designing a bounty hunter sona I jst wanna create one for funsies anyway it's late imma go eep byebye ily (I think I'll try create a vid bcs I have so many ideas)
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